7 Reasons Why Nerds Should Embrace the 2012 Apocalypse

You can accept it, reject it, or take the whole thing with a grain of salt, but it’s still hard to believe that we’re nearly four months away from the Mayans’ infamous 2012 Apocalypse come this December; it seems like only yesterday it was the topic of innumerable discussions and the comedic wellspring for so many, many single-panel comic artists. And as is standard fashion for any end-of-the-world scenario, you can bet that — according to all those apocalypse documentaries on History Channel and National Geographic at least — the sophistication of modern society will devolve into mass hysteria and a survival-of-the-fittest mentality out of fear and desperation. But there is one group that, although for years they’ve been the target of derision and humiliation, will stand tall and utilize their vast knowledge of pop culture to lead mankind into a new frontier: the lowly nerd (or geek, whichever handle you prefer).Our valiant and selfless decision to remain isolated from society’s distractions in order to immerse ourselves in movies, video games and comic books in preparation for the oncoming apocalypse will be the key to the world’s survival! But that’s not to say there isn’t something for us in a post-apocalyptic landscape. There are plenty of opportunities to reap its rewards and make our vicarious daydreams something more. Here’s seven reasons why nerds should embrace — not run away from — the 2012 Apocalypse!

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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