6 Licensed PS1 Titles That Somehow Didn't Suck

The PlayStation era was one of great promise. No longer did we have to rely on abstract versions of movie characters and comic book villains, because finally we could have (incredibly blocky) 3-D representations of the things we loved in other forms, and all under our complete control. Sadly, the Law of Crappy Licensed Videogames is for the most part immutable for a variety of reasons: Short development times for titles meant to coincide with releases in other media, the cost of the license taking a huge bite out of funds better spent elsewhere, the joy advertisers only feel at Christmas when seeing the crushed hopes of small children, are all contributing factors to getting royally ripped when throwing money at the things you love.

Sometimes, however, a game will make up a small part of that to us, and we will love them for it. Six titles that showed off what 3-D promised us when it came to our favorite characters were a trial to track down, but we did it because we love you, and not because we technically got paid to play awesome old videogames. On to the list!

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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