30 Days Until Medal of Honor Warfighter

Listen, we all know we’re going to grab Medal of Honor Warfighter for the Battlefield 4 beta access when it launches on October 23, so we might as well learn all we can about it. Besides, Warfighter looks awesome so far.

We’re a month away from EA’s next major military shooter, and authenticity is what developer Danger Close is striving for above all else. IGN isn’t exactly experienced in the day-to-day happenings of elite Tier-1 operatives, but we know our shooters. If you’re wondering what Medal of Honor Warfighter is all about, this run-down should be all the primer you need.

For its campaign, Warfighter aims to hit some emotionally resonant high points, both with regard to how the story unfolds around the protagonist, and in the hitting-close-to-home missions based on real-world events. We’ve mostly seen things exploding and dudes dying so far, but hey, it’s important that we actually want to be a part of this action and invest in it emotionally.

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Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.
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