10 Seriously WTF DOS Game Covers

When I was like 9 and my parents refused to get me a Nintendo or a Sega Genesis, I had to make do with the third place finisher… my computer and its Disk Operating System. Nintendo was apparently just a time waster, but if it was on the PC, then my folks felt that it had some kind of redeeming value. I’m sure the ’80s and ’90s were like this for several of you.

However, there were several games that I’m sure I couldn’t sell to my parents. Games so mind-bendingly insane that one glance at the box would confuse, frustrate, and eventually drive you mad, if you didn’t just put it down and buy something else instead. Here are 10 classic DOS game boxes that will suck your soul out your nose.

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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