10 Most Frustrating Moments in Gaming

WC writes: We all love to game. Whether its a quick twenty minutes on a beat-em-up before work or a hefty ten hour session on our favourite RPG, we turn to games to escape the frustrations of our day to day lives.

And more often than not, they serve that purpose. But every now and again, a game comes along that causes more stress than pleasure, and whether its by accident or design, no medium can get us quite as frustrated quite as quickly.

I had a think back over the last fifteen years and recalled those moments in gaming that have had me at my most frustrated; to the point where I thought the joypad would break under the force of my spasming palms.

So without further ado, lets take a look at 10 of gamings most nerd-rage inducing moments.

Originally written and published by at N4G: xbox-360 news feed. Click here to read the original story.
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