10 Completely Insane Zombie Flicks

In the world of zombie movies, there are the good, the bad and the really, really weird. More
than 600 zombie movies exist, and anyone that’s seen even a small portion of them can tell you
that most of those are among the really fucking bad. Maybe one in ten are actually reasonably
good. To get to that last category, you’ll need to dig past the dross that ends up on Netflix
Instant Watch and the shelves of the last three Blockbusters on the planet. Do that and you’ll
discover that about one in fifty is unbelievably fucking nuts; not just garden variety goofy, but
mind-staggeringly bizarre. To save you the trouble of sitting through a few hundred terrible films
to find this lunatic fringe, we proudly present this list of the most egregiously fucked up entries in
zombie filmdom.

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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