Black Ops II's First DLC will be a Timed Xbox 360 Exclusive

Black Ops II's First DLC will be a Timed Xbox 360 ExclusiveImages purportedly of in-store promotional materials suggest that Call of Duty: Black Ops II‘s first map pack extension will be a timed Xbox 360 exclusive arriving on Jan. 29. Five maps are included.

“Revolution” sports five maps, one of which—”Die Rise”—appears to be a zombie map. The others are named Hydro, Grind, Downhill and Mirage. The promo placards also say a weapon—the Peacemaker SMG—is included. No word on pricing; if you have the Call of Duty season pass, it’s free.

We’ve pinged an Activision rep for comment, so this is unconfirmed for now.

Black Ops 2 Revolution, first dlc coming out January 29th [Reddit via Joystiq.]

Originally written and published by Owen Good at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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