Mass Effect Developer Teases New IPMass Effect Developer Teases New IP

Mass Effect Developer Teases New IP


Will tell “contemporary stories.”

By Mitch Dyer

BioWare’s Edmonton studio, which is responsible for Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Knights of the Old Republic, and other classic role-playing games, has announced the development of an original new game.
“While the Montreal studio is working on the next Mass Effect game, our team here in Edmonton is developing a completely new IP,” BioWare executive producer Casey Hudson said in a developer diary during EA’s E3 press conference.
“When you work on new IP,” BioWare GM Aaryn Flynn said, “it’s a chance to have a clean sheet of design to start at the most fundamental set of principles you can have.”


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BioWare was sufficiently vague about what those principles would be, but Hudson aims to tell “contemporary stories, and yet we want to build a world that is as big and as imaginative as anything we’ve ever done before,” a world that “feels real, and is alive alive and is constantly changing.”BioWare isn’t aiming to tell “a singular story” with the original game, either. “It’s more about, ‘This is what the world is doing right now. Come and play.’”

Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.

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