Here's What's in the Battlefield 4 Dragon's Teeth ExpansionHere's What's in the Battlefield 4 Dragon's Teeth Expansion

Here's What's in the Battlefield 4 Dragon's Teeth Expansion


Maps, weapons and more.

By Luke Karmali

EA has revealed what new content will be added to Battlefield 4 when the Dragon’s Teeth expansion launches later this summer.
Four multiplayer maps form part of the package, each set in dense Asian Pacific cities and encouraging urban warfare. They are: Lumphini Garden, Pearl Market, Propaganda and Sunken Dragon.
Five new weapons are also on the way, along with a Ballistic shield gadget, R.A.W.R. heavily armoured remotely operated ground vehicle and the new Chain Link game mode, which tasks you with capturing connected points to score.
Battlefield 4 Premium members will gain access to Dragon’s Teeth a couple of weeks early, as usual. This is the fourth expansion for DICE’s troubled shooter, with the fifth and last, Final Stand, expected later this year.

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Luke Karmali is IGN’s UK News Editor. You too can revel in mediocrity by following him on Twitter.

Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.

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