Gamersledge Let’s Play Protip: Grand Theft Auto V – Make $1 Million in 2 Minutes!

I suppose with a title like that, it should also offer male enhancement, a cash deposit from a prince in Nigeria and more, right?

But seriously. It’s a pretty cool trick I happened on to, and I’m sure it will be patched away eventually so get while the gettin’s good as they used to say in the Ozarks before they shot the squirrels. Or chased after you with a hatchet.

Yes, I know the audio is borked. I have one last troubleshooting tip (this was the second recording of this of the evening — I believe I MAY have finally isolated the problem. We’ll see. You can figure it out tho by watching the video still).

Enjoy, if you like it, please like and subscribe to us on YouTube.