Breaking Bad: "Granite State" ReviewBreaking Bad: "Granite State" Review

Breaking Bad: "Granite State" Review

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Consider this episode as the first half of a two-parter. We saw the ending of Breaking Bad last week, more or less. This is an epilogue. The world is torn apart—there’s virtually nothing left for Walter to live for now. We have our impetus for the finale.

I remember years ago (I think it was after Season 2) in an interview Vince Gilligan mentioned that Walter could be interpreted as the cancer himself, slowly invading and killing off the things he loved. That’s where this show is now. In its last hurrah, Jesse is chained up and forced to cook, Skyler is in a virtual prison of frozen bank accounts and constant judgment, poor Flynn is the least affected but the most hurt, and Marie no longer has a husband. Walter’s finally run his course and left his desiccated family in the wake.

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Originally written and published by Seth Amitin at IGN TV Articles. Click here to read the original story.